Port of Frederikshavn


Port of Frederikshavn is a modern, centrally located, commercial port with good facilities and a service set-up, which ensures fast and efficient handling of ships and cargo. During recent years, Port of Frederikshavn has carried out a large expansion. This means more basins, more quays, larger water depth, wider entrance and more hinterland:

14 metres water depth
500,000 m2 hinterland
30,000 m2 quay area
1,000 m quay

The port expansion has meant great development and growth at the port. All with focus on sustainability and circular economy.
Facilities gained through stage 1 and 2 are either sold out or reserved. Port of Frederikshavn is already presently looking into the development of stage 3. 
The concept One Stop Shopping really makes sense with the port expansion. At the port there is an attractive Maritime Service Competence Centre, where all relevant repair and maintenance services are represented.

For more information: www.pof.dk


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